Soulful Spirituality & Your Relationships

Last updated: Jun 25, 2019

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

I have learned the most in my life from my relationships; some of those lessons have been from joyful experiences and deep, meaningful relationships, while most certainly most of my lessons came through painful experiences and broken relationships.

Of course some of those lessons come for us in the form of heartbreak:

  • That lover that tells you that he loves you, but is not in love with you.
  • That moment when you realize that the husband you spent the last 12 years with has become a stranger to you.
  • That sickening feeling in your stomach when you think about having to give up on love altogether and just somehow become comfortable being alone.

Every person in our lives is there for us as a spiritual teacher; they’re a divine gift to open us up to the deeper truths of who we really are and to challenge us to become our highest and best version of our selves.

They’re brought to us to teach us the lessons that our souls most need to learn; but make no mistake, we are there as a teacher for them as well.

After all, who better than those we love to break our hearts wide open and tear down the walls we’ve built over time to protect our hearts?

Who better than those who have known our hearts for decades to be a part of its inevitable evolution?

Who better than those with whom we’re closest to bring to light our deepest fears or bring us our greatest joys?

Similarly, the relationship we have with ourselves is a spiritual journey that never ends and has no finish line. We continuously open and grow; we discover and heal; we dig a little deeper, we do a little better, and we love a little more. Every day.

soulful spirituality and our relationships

During my 365 Day Soulful Life Retreats, we create your vision of a soulful life by exploring the deeper questions of self, love and relationships, and personal growth and spirituality.




If You’re Struggling In Your Marriage…

I will help you find the clarity you need to re-commit to making your marriage work
or the strength and peace of mind to lovingly release it.