“Soul connections don’t happen every day. When you find one, be grateful. They are gifts. Accept them graciously. The love you’ve been wishing for is here.” Judith Orloff, M.D.
I am a teacher; therefore, I am a lifelong learner. In order to be a great coach and speaker, I have to be continuously learning and challenging myself so that I can serve my clients at my highest level.
I just finished one book and I am in the middle of 3 other books. I just completed 3 online training programs, am in the process of one certification and am starting another training course this week.
This isn’t unusual for me these days because I am most lit up when I am being inspired and learning something new.
So, imagine my surprise when Mr. Pope walked into my life a little over three years ago and I realized that he wasn’t just the great love of my life, he was also a great source of learning and inspiration for me.
He taught me to trust myself again. I had dismantled one marriage and made more than my fair share of incredibly poor decisions when it came to men over the years, so I had stopped trusting my own judgment.
- He demonstrated to me that what happened in the past wasn’t nearly as important as what we do in the present.
- When he showed up in love – even in the midst of a disagreement – I did too. When he trusted me – unequivocally – I began to do the same.
He taught me to see myself through his eyes. Like you, I am not immune to the little voices we have in our heads that pop-up with their chorus of, “Who do you think you are?” and “You’ll never be able to do that.”
- He frequently describes to me the potential he sees in me and it’s always bigger than I can see for myself.
- He tells me in detail how he experiences my love for him and it’s always sweeter than I would ever give myself credit for.
- He tells me I’m either “beautiful” or “stunning” every single day and even on those days when I don’t feel particularly stunning, I believe it.
He taught me about the power of peace. TV today would mislead us into believing that relationships are supposed to be filled with drama, pain and lies in order to be exciting, or at least newsworthy.
- But Mr. Pope has taught me that being able to look at yourself in the mirror each day is a gift to the soul.
- When we can lay our heads down at night and rest easy without all the drama and mind chatter, we find peace.
- And he has taught me that simply being a good person and a good partner is both powerful and sexy.
He taught me more about myself than any book or online course ever could. My husband helps me to be the best version of myself and isn’t that what the best relationships are supposed to do?
As always,
Tell the Truth. Show up in Love. Live in Freedom.