Do You Want Love or Do You Just Want to Want It?

Last updated: Jun 25, 2019

“Sometimes it’s the pain of love that transforms you into someone who has the courage to take it on.” Marianne Williamson, The Age of Miracles


Do you want love, or do you just want to want it? There’s a difference.

Do you want to heal from your breakup or do you just want to want to heal from your breakup because the sadness is too painful to sit in? There’s a difference.

Do you want make your future different than your past or do you just want to want it to be that way? Different, without really knowing what it is you want?

There’s a tremendous difference between saying you want something and really wanting it. It’s the difference between being interested and committed.

There’s a tremendous difference between “kinda, sorta, maybe” and “Yes! Yes! Hell, Yes!

There’s a tremendous difference between doing what it takes to create the love you desire for yourself and just sort of hoping, wishing, and dreaming about it.

Here’s the deal: If you just want to want to have love in your life, then that may be working for you and there’s not a single thing wrong with that. That want may turn into a desire over time and when it does, you’ll get more intentional about creating love for yourself. If and when that time comes you will know it.

But if you really want love in your life now, then you’ll do the work to forgive, to heal, to open and to allow love to flow into your experience.

If you really want your future to look different than your past, then compassionately consider doing something different than what you’ve always done.

what do you really want

Tell the Truth. Show up in Love. Live in Freedom.




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