I’m So Glad that I Did Not Leave

Last updated: May 12, 2023

“Let yourself be open and life will be easier.” Buddha Siddhartha

Recently, someone asked me, “Can two people who have been disconnected for YEARS ever find their way back to one another?”

The answer is yes.

Not a resounding, “Hell yeah!” but more like a gentle nod with an almost undetectable wink.

I’ve seen it happen. Numerous times.

That doesn’t mean it’s easy, but it can be as simple as….
….being open to possibility…
….being ready to create real change for yourself, and….
….being willing to do it differently than you’ve always done.

This is the beautiful work I was put on the planet to do.

Sometimes, my clients have better words than I do:

“I remember being “done” but not wanting to make the mistake of thinking I was done when I wasn’t really done and really thought that working with you would help me find my clear way OUT.

And here I am now – over a year since we started our work together…and I am living in a new state and community with my husband – in a small living space (while the house gets built out) with our dogs and a cat and working from two small bedrooms that are right next to each other all day…with the noise and mess of contractors, workers and a house under construction…we survived the move 1200 miles away and are figuring out living in a small town for the first time for either of us…no friends to call on…no place to run away to.  

NONE of these things were things I would have EVER thought we could do together and not be miserable. We are far from miserable. We are still the best we have EVER been. We are more open and honest with each other than ever. We show each other grace in a way we never figured out before. We still get frustrated and some days are tough, but we both are holding each other in a higher, more respected, more honored place and we are handling it together. 

I truly never thought this could happen. Are we full of passion and fire and delightful recklessness of first love and affairs? No…but our intimacy is better and our bond is much deeper. I am grateful. I am so glad that I did not leave. Without you, I would have left and we both would have missed this growth and love.”

I was put here to help people (if I can) overcome their marriage struggles (if they’re willing)…

And if they choose to not continue trying, I honor that decision as well. And then, I equip them to navigate divorce in the most peaceful and loving way possible.

All so that a year or two years from now, they can look themselves in the mirror and say, “I’m proud of how I handled that.”

If you are open, ready and willing, let’s explore if there’s a fit for us to work together.




If You’re Struggling In Your Marriage…

I will help you find the clarity you need to re-commit to making your marriage work
or the strength and peace of mind to lovingly release it.