Keeping the Boardroom Out of the Bedroom: Keeping the Intimacy of Marriage

Last updated: Jan 15, 2023

“Exhausted, I started to check out of our marriage, convinced that what we had was fine. After all, our lives looked pretty good from the outside.”
Sharon Pope, Keeping the Boardroom Out of the Bedroom


Today is a big deal for me today and I wanted to share this with you. I have had my very first piece published in The New York Times’ Modern Love column:

Keeping the Boardroom Out of the Bedroom
A hard-charging executive has trouble balancing the power of work with the intimacy of marriage.

Even though this was years ago – long before I was a life coach and long before I knew how to do this – this was still a raw, vulnerable and difficult piece for me to write and to share so openly, because the woman I was then is not the woman I am today (change actually is possible….).

But that is the work I was put here on this planet to do…

And hiding my past mistakes and who I was doesn’t help me or anyone else…

It’s my bet that this message will resonate with women who are driven, smart and successful, but feeling lost, alone, and disconnected inside their marriages.

With much love and light –

P.S. – I hope there’s something that speaks to you in this article, but even if there’s not…share it with someone who could this light right now (or share on social media). Thank you for helping me celebrate this milestone. XOXO




If You’re Struggling In Your Marriage…

I will help you find the clarity you need to re-commit to making your marriage work
or the strength and peace of mind to lovingly release it.