How Did My Marriage Get So Bad?

Last updated: Jan 21, 2023

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein

When we’re struggling in our marriages, we’re always looking for a way to improve it, to make it feel better.

But all too often, what ends up happening is using the same thinking and ways to engage with one another because it’s all we know. For instance:

  • Something happens between you and you argue trying to get your partner to see it from your perspective…
  • You both give each other the silent treatment for a day or two…
  • Eventually, the frustration subsides and you begin communicating and interacting again as you usually do…
  • You don’t revisit the hurt because you don’t want to start another fight, but nothing ever really gets resolved.

And the relationship stays in the same painful pattern…

Or worse, the resentments increase over time as the hope you once had that things might change begins to dissolve and you begin to wonder, How did my marriage get so bad?

How did we get here? And how do we fix it?

You’re simply doing what you know how to do. This is the only way you know how to communicate or engage with your partner.

But that way of thinking is what got you to this point.

And you can’t find the solution to the problem with the same thinking that got you here.

So it’s time to try something new…

  • It’s time to interrupt the pattern…
  • It’s time to elevate the conversation between the two of you…
  • It’s time to alter your reactions…
  • It’s time to change the rules and set emotionally healthy boundaries.
  • It’s time to hear one another…… really hear one another…
  • It’s time to understand how our emotions have played a role…
  • It’s time to identify the changes you can make within yourself…
  • It’s time to see if your partner is sincere about change…
  • It’s time to get the clarity you need to know whether this relationship can feel good again or if it’s time to lovingly release it.

And it is time to shift your thinking…your way of being…and the way you engage in order to see if something new can be created – because what you’ve been doing is what got you here.

If you know how to do all that…awesome, you’re all set.

If you don’t, maybe you should consider engaging with someone who does. You can apply and schedule a complimentary Truth & Clarity session to see if I can help you do this differently.




If You’re Struggling In Your Marriage…

I will help you find the clarity you need to re-commit to making your marriage work
or the strength and peace of mind to lovingly release it.