What if Your Relationship is Complete?

Last updated: Jun 25, 2019

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.” Hermen Hesse


I know…

I know…..

We are taught that the relationship with our spouse is supposed to last forever (specifically, until death do us part…)…

And I think most of us walk into marriage with the best of intentions, actually believing in that possibility of forever and some version of happily ever after.

And when forever becomes an impossibility in our marriages – unable to imagine one more month…one more year – we beat ourselves up pretty badly for not being able to make it work. We also beat up our partners pretty badly for them not being the partner we needed them to be for us.

But we stay together – making each other pretty miserable – because that’s what we’re SUPPOSED to do…

I know…

But what if what we’re actually supposed to do is to be happy?

What if we were born to relish in and appreciate the beauty of this planet, the way a puppy rolls around in the summer grass?

What if our short time alive in this body has a purpose and that purpose is to create, to grow, and to expand?

What if to love and to be loved is the whole damn point?

And what if your marriage isn’t a failure or a mistake, but rather…complete?

Maybe it served its purpose in your life, in your growth and expansion…

Maybe it was exactly what you needed at one time, but now feels like a shirt that is two sizes too small…

Maybe the relationship was there to present you with the lesson you most needed to learn in this life…

And now it is complete.




If You’re Struggling In Your Marriage…

I will help you find the clarity you need to re-commit to making your marriage work
or the strength and peace of mind to lovingly release it.