“Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize...

“Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize...
January is considered to be “Divorce Month” in the US, because it is the one month out of the year in which the most divorces are being filed. But there is one day in January that is the single day...
“Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” James Baldwin Living near the ocean we hear a lot about rip currents, also known as rip tides and...
WHAT I FEAR MOSTis the half-dead life. The neither this nor that life. The in-between,down the crack life. The one I can’t decidewhether I shouldor shouldn’t life. Because a limbo lifeis a half-dead...
“The best time to do something significant is between yesterday and tomorrow.” Zig Ziglar I once had a client who was hard on herself for staying longer than she should have in her marriage. The...
“Sometimes you just have to be done. Not mad, not upset. Just done.” Unknown My client’s husband had cheated, but she was trying to work through that… Her husband was drinking a lot, but she wanted...
“neither of us is happy but neither of us wants to leave so we keep breaking one another and calling it love.” -Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey One of my clients recently shared with me an analogy of how...
“You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.” George Michael If there is one relationship dynamic that I have seen hundreds (maybe thousands) of times it’s that once a woman...
“I will not stay, not ever again - in a room or conversation or relationship or institution that requires me to abandon myself.” Glennon Doyle ***You know how some videos come with a warning about...
It was about this time last year that my client, Suzanne, was waiting for her daughter to graduate before confronting her husband about his affair. She didn’t want that drama impacting her...
“You have to stop thinking that you’ll be stuck in your current situation forever…Don’t confuse a season, for a lifetime.” Brittney Moses I’ve heard several reports recently referencing how the call...
“Dear God, thank you for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy.” Children’s Letters to God Over the weekend, I was re-watching one of the old Super Soul Sunday episodes where...
“Lies don’t end relationships, the truth does.” Shannon L. Alder Psychology Today tells us that “gaslighting is a form of persistent manipulation and brain washing that causes the victim to doubt...
“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.” Robert Holden It was early Saturday morning. He had brought her coffee since she was still in bed. He...
“Never be ashamed of how deeply and passionately you loved someone who destroyed you, because destroying things is just who they are…and loving things deeply and passionately is who you are.” ...
“Your children are watching you very, very closely. Showing your children that you can respect each other and resolve conflict respectfully will give them a good foundation for the conflict that...
“What if I didn’t blame the other person for anything, and held myself 100 percent accountable? What if I checked my own s--- at the door and put my children first? What if I reminded myself of the...
When my client, who I’ll refer to as Vicky began working with me, she was trying to determine if there was any hope for her marriage that had been on the ropes for years. They were separated and...
“One of the greatest challenges in creating a joyful, peaceful and abundant life is taking responsibility for what you do and how you do it. As long as you can blame someone else, be angry with...
“It can be difficult, if not impossible, for many divorced people to ever rest in a state of pure grief, pure anger, or pure relief when it comes to feelings about one’s ex-spouse. Instead, the...
“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.” Nicholas Sparks Michael was tall, broad-shouldered, muscular and devilishly handsome. He had a smile that lit...
“Some people we just outgrow. Relationships might end with no real explanation as to why. And when that happens, respect the shift. Honor the growth and understand that not all roots can stay...
Divorce is a loss. It is a loss of a relationship, of course, but it is also a loss of a dream you once held. It may be a loss of an identity. You may lose friendships and you’ll certainly lose...
Our life together looked picture-perfect from the outside. We both had good jobs, a beautiful home in a suburban golf community, plenty of friends and supportive families. We took vacations, had...
I was in love. It wasn’t an easy, nurturing, soulful love. It was the kind of love that rocks your foundation and leaves you feeling consumed. He was the first thing I thought about when I woke up...
When a relationship "fails," it's easy to look back on it with blame and shame. We want to point fingers and attribute the pain to external forces (more often than not, by blaming our exes). But the...
A woman I'll call Bethany got in touch with me asking for help. She was 47 years old, had two children, and had been married for 23 years to a man with significant narcissistic tendencies. Although...
I was married to a perfectly nice, stable man for 11 years. Safe and picture-perfect from the outside, my marriage still left me feeling lonely and disconnected inside.When I left my marriage in my...
“Narcissism falls along the axis of what psychologists call personality disorders, one of a group that includes antisocial, dependent, histrionic, avoidant and borderline personalities. But by most...
“As you think, so shall you be.” Wayne W. Dyer Samantha is a new client whose ex is ruining her life. She bravely shared with me the story of her life with her ex-husband of more than seven...
If you husband left, or threatened to leave, this post was written especially for you. “When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person that walked in. That’s what the storm is all...
“Lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned.” Frank Sonnenberg We all have that one friend that swears she’s unlucky at love. Maybe you know someone who always seems to make the same...
“No matter what you’ve been told, your search for love is not a race against time. It is not a search for a needle in a haystack. It is an intimacy journey, and every step on that journey moves you...
“Those things we can’t find closure on, they haunt us. They pop up in our dreams, and creep into our thoughts in idle moments…” Lisa Unger Kristen and her husband were together for 11 years....
“…just as darkness is nothing but the absence of light, so fear is nothing but the absence of love.” Marianne Williamson Alena had been divorced over a year. Everyone told her the first year...
“Your next relationship will be different because you are different.” Sharon Pope, Soulful Truth Telling: Disbelieving the Lies that Keep Us from the Love We Desire Many women find me when...
“There is a kind of love that is so deep it consumes our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. There is a kind of love that is passionate, intimate, and connected. Sometimes it’s that kind of love that...
“The trouble with life isn’t that there is no answer, it’s that there are so many answers.” Ruth Benedict There cannot be a rebirth without the death of something significant. We all love the...
“Everything you want lies on the other side of learning to trust yourself.” Vironika Tugaleva One of the things that will keep women stuck in solitude after a divorce, I’ve found, is a fear...
“You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” Max...
“Narcissists can make you fall in love with them so hard that it feels like you’re giving up a part of your heart to leave them.” Dr. Judith Orloff I’ve often said that “One day I’ll write about...
“There must be those among whom we can sit down and weep, and still be counted as warriors.” Adrienne Rich, Sources Six years ago when I went through a series of incredibly painful breakups,...
“Just because your relationship wasn’t forever, doesn’t mean it was a mistake. It means it was an important chapter in the long story of your life.” Sharon Pope, Soulful Truth Telling: Am I in the...
“You’re getting the results of your stories.” Angela Lauria If you’re healing after a breakup, you inevitably have a story about what happened and why the relationship ended. Take a moment and think...
“When your heart is broken, there’s an opening…a small space…for the light to get through.” Sharon Pope To date, there has been nothing in my life that caused me more pain than when I had my heart...
“If you feel stuck in your present life…I guarantee you are living in a dungeon made of stories – and none of those limiting stories are true.” Martha Beck, Steering by Starlight When I’m speaking...
“You act on the outside how you feel on the inside.” Tracy McMillan We’ve all been there. We’ve been in a relationship with someone that we cared about deeply. In my life, I have been hurt and I...
“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” Mary Oliver When hearts are broken, it hurts. I’ve lost jobs. I’ve lost friendships....
“Each of our paths is uniquely perfect. Life presents us with what we need to grow.” Judith Orloff, M.D. The Ecstasy of Surrender She was crying daily, uncontrollably, in front of clients and behind...
“God pulls us through life by the heart.” Martha Beck As I’ve been building my life coaching practice, I’ve become very clear on who it is I want to serve. The truth is that the people I can help...
“Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell.” Joan Crawford In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’ll keep this focused on love and dating...